The Corny Rainbow

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A New Journey

Well it’s been a year since I’ve actually blogged and I feel this one is long overdue! If you read my past Journey blogs then you are well aware of the struggles and challenges my husband and I have faced with infertility, miscarriages, and loss. I’m happy to say that through our struggles we never gave up.

This past year has been one of the most pivotal years of my life, truly. November will make one full year living in our new home and also being back home in Georgia after 12 years in Virginia.

Last holiday season I was getting adjusted to our new home (while my husband stayed back in Virginia for work), unpacking, going through our 3rd round of IVF, raising a new puppy and trying to figure out what I wanted to do for work as I had been in a leave status since August 2022.

With all these changes I was very overwhelmed to say the least. Being closer to my family and friends meant I would be home less, which meant I couldn’t really sit with myself and all the changes I was experiencing. While I’m still trying to balance all the changes almost a year later, I’m finally able to say that everything I have manifested over all these years is finally happening.

At the start of the new year the 3rd IVF transfer ended in a chemical pregnancy. We decided to try for back to back transfers so we had another in April 2023. And well, if you’re here and you follow any of my social channels it’s no surprise to you that I’m currently in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy!! I’m overly excited and still shocked to say the least. You can also check out my announcement and pregnancy story on my YouTube channel here!

This time in my life has been the most fulfilling, unknowing, supportive, a little scary, weird, and divine time I have ever experienced. This year also being my 40th rotation, made all these beautiful moments even that much more special.

On top of all these blessings, I also finally landed a work from home job that is also still within the government so I won’t lose my 21 years of service with my previous employer! Leaving that employer is one that I have struggled with the most. My previous employer was extremely toxic over the past 6 years and contributed to my ptsd. When I got my new job offer I literally cried tears of joy and I’m still crying lol. This has also been long overdue!

So what now?

Well, I’m preparing myself mentally as much as I can to be a mom. Still so weird saying that because I have wanted that title for so long. And this winter that dream will finally come to fruition.

Both hubby and I are in our nesting phase and it’s just so cute to see him like this. I know our baby will be surrounded by love and care. Next year we will be celebrating 15 years of marriage and I’m so thankful that we will be celebrating with our little human too.

As for this New Journey…well…who knows what’s in store!

Love a rainbow🌈 creating a rainbow 🌈

If you would like to gift us anything here are our registry details!!

Amazon Registry

Target Registry